Voiso is partnering with Firmao CRM

  • Firmao CRM
  • Automation

In this article, we’ll show how to connect Firmao with Voiso and break down all the efficiency-boosting things you can accomplish using the integration.

What are Voiso and Firmao CRM?

Voiso is an AI-driven, cloud contact center platform renowned for its fast setup, ease of use, quality of support, and reliability. Users can boost customer connectivity with omnichannel, orchestrate inbound workflows for swift resolutions, and automate outbound campaigns that yield real results – all via a single, easy-to-navigate platform.

Firmao is a cloud-based CRM / WMS process automation software dedicated to helping small and medium-sized companies boost workflow efficiency. Thanks to its flexible design, it provides a unique ability to quickly adapt to the specific needs of any company. Firmao easily integrates with more than 1,000 external IT systems, and is a European alternative to American systems such as Salesforce and HubSpot.

How you can benefit from connecting Voiso and Firmao

Integrating Firmao with Voiso can significantly improve your company's overall efficiency. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key benefits.

Enhance your customer service

Integrating Voiso and Firmao CRM allows employees to access customer information directly from their CRM system, enabling them to provide personalized and efficient service. They can view customer history, past interactions, preferences, and purchase patterns, leading to more informed and better-tailored interactions.

Improve agent efficiency

By consolidating customer data and communication channels within a single platform, agents can work more efficiently, responding to more customer inquiries in less time. In fact, Voiso Omnichannel users engage with 25% more customers on average since they don’t have to waste time toggling between different systems and applications.

Gain total visibility over call center operations

Integrating Voiso with Firmao CRM allows businesses to share relevant data across platforms instantly. Real-time dashboards in Voiso can draw data directly from Firmao CRM, providing users with up-to-the-minute data on customer interactions. Equipped with these insights, businesses can optimize their customer service strategy.

Increase customer satisfaction

By leveraging integrated contact center and CRM software, businesses can deliver faster, more personalized customer service. Response times go up, as does First Contact Resolution (FCR), leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

A final word

Integrating Voiso with Firmao CRM via Zapier offers a powerful solution to streamline workflows and boost overall efficiency. By providing agents with a centralized platform for customer data and communication, the integration empowers them to deliver exceptional customer service without having to constantly switch back-and-forth between platforms.

Ultimately, a Voiso-Firmao CRM integration translates to happier customers and a thriving business.

Voiso-Firmao CRM integration

If you’d like to learn more about the Voisо-Firmao CRM integration — including instructions for how to create time-saving Zaps using Zapier — check out this article on Firmao’s blog.

Read more:

Speech Recognition

Speech recognition and speech analytics: Why your call center needs both

Have you ever called someone and got excited to hear their voice saying a familiar “Hello”, only to be followed by a common “Sorry, I can’t come to the phone right now. Please leave a message…”? For call center agents, this is not a rare experience but a routine reality, as about 70% of all outbound calls go straight to voicemail.

Speech recognition and speech analytics: Why your call center needs both
CCaaS and CRM

CCaaS and CRM: Why you need this integration

CRMs are the main workspace for contact center power-users. In fact, a typical sales rep spends 18% of their work time in a CRM system, with almost 63% of their time spent in sales technology as a whole. However manual data handling and navigating multiple pieces of software slows your team down. And that's why you need your CCaaS software to have a tight integration with the CRM you use.

CCaaS and CRM: Why you need this integration

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