Voiso Attains ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Certifications: Elevating Quality and Security

Securing Excellence: Voiso's ISO Certifications from TUV Austria Pave the Way for Enhanced Quality and Data Security

We're thrilled to announce a significant milestone in Voiso's journey: the attainment of multiple ISO certifications from TUV Austria. These certifications reflect our unwavering dedication to delivering outstanding quality and ensuring the highest standards of data security for our clients.

Here’s a breakdown of each certification:

ISO 9001

ISO 9001

With this certification, Voiso has demonstrated its dedication to excellence in quality management. We’re committed to delivering high-quality solutions across various aspects of our operations, including software development, risk management, project management, quality control, and data security.

ISO 27001

ISO 27001

This certification indicates that Voiso’s Information Security Management System has met the set of rigorous standards laid out by ISO and IEC. It underscores our commitment to safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring the highest levels of data security in all aspects of our business, from software development to customer support.

Software You Can Trust

Voiso's attainment of ISO certifications from TUV Austria reinforces our position as a trusted leader in the contact center software space. With a focus on quality, security, and customer satisfaction, we remain dedicated to empowering businesses to achieve their goals and drive success.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we continue to innovate and lead in the contact center industry. Thank you for being part of the Voiso journey!

Read more:


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  • +1Virgin Islands, U.S.
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  • +243Congo, Democratic Republic of the
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  • +262Mayotte
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  • +389North Macedonia
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  • +421Slovakia
  • +423Liechtenstein
  • +500Falkland Islands
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  • +503El Salvador
  • +504Honduras
  • +505Nicaragua
  • +506Costa Rica
  • +507Panama
  • +508Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • +509Haiti
  • +590Saint Martin (French Part)
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  • +590Saint Barthélemy
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  • +592Guyana
  • +593Ecuador
  • +594French Guiana
  • +595Paraguay
  • +596Martinique
  • +597Suriname
  • +598Uruguay
  • +599Curaçao
  • +599Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
  • +670Timor-Leste
  • +672Norfolk Island
  • +673Brunei Darussalam
  • +674Nauru
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  • +676Tonga
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  • +678Vanuatu
  • +679Fiji
  • +680Palau
  • +681Wallis and Futuna
  • +682Cook Islands
  • +683Niue
  • +685Samoa
  • +686Kiribati
  • +687New Caledonia
  • +688Tuvalu
  • +689French Polynesia
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  • +692Marshall Islands
  • +850North Korea
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  • +856Laos
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  • +967Yemen
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  • +992Tajikistan
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  • +994Azerbaijan
  • +995Georgia
  • +996Kyrgyzstan
  • +998Uzbekistan
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